Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Verse Novels: Text to Self Connections

1. Review the yearly Essential Questions for our class.
2. Identify which Essential Question(s) is addressed in your verse novel.
3. Write a reflection that explains how the Essential Question(s) is supported in the verse novel. Explain this connection in detail using a 50+ word count. (Do this for each verse novel.)


Verse Novels: Text to World Connections

Task: Make a Text to World connection.
1. Find a current event article online that relates to your verse novel. (Do this for each verse novel.)
2. Embed each link to the article in the comments section below. (Do this for each verse novel.)
3. Write roughly a 25-30 word explanation of the connection you made with your verse novel and the article. (Do this for each verse novel.)


Verse Novels: Text to Text Connections

1. Think about your verse novel and connect it to another piece of text (books, film, tv show, play, magazine, newspaper).
2. List the title of the text connection with the verse novel.
3. Write roughly a 25-30 word explanation of the connection you made with your verse novel and the title. (Do this for each verse novel.)

Verse Novels: Reading Workshop check-in

1. Which two verse novels did you read? Title and Author?
2. Write roughly a 25-30 word summary for each book in the comments section below.
(Use Word to keep track of your word count.)
3. Be sure to add your first name and class # at the top of each comment.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Graphic Novels: Text to Self Connections

1. Review the yearly Essential Questions for our class.
 2. Identify which Essential Question(s) is addressed in your graphic novel. 
 3. Write a reflection that explains how the Essential Question(s) is supported in the graphic novel. Explain this connection in detail using a 50+ word count. (Do this for each graphic novel.)

Graphic Novels: Text to World Connections

Task: Make a Text to World connection. 
1. Find a current event article online that relates to your graphic novel. (Do this for each graphic novel.)
2. Embed each link to the article in the comments section below. (Do this for each graphic novel.)
3. Write roughly a 25-30 word explanation of the connection you made with your graphic novel and the article. (Do this for each graphic novel.)

Graphic Novels: Text to Text Connections

1. Think about your graphic novel and connect it to another piece of text (books, film, tv show, play, magazine, newspaper). 
2. List the title of the text connection with the graphic novel.
3. Write roughly a 25-30 word explanation of the connection you made with your graphic novel and the title. (Do this for each graphic novel.)

Graphic Novel: Reading Workshop check-in

1. Which two graphic novels did you read? Title and Author? 
2. Write roughly a 25-30 word summary for each book in the comments section below.
(Use Word to keep track of your word count.)
3. Be sure to add your first name and class # at the top of each comment.